Advans Ltd. has launched a project to improve its production capacity and export potential.
In February 2016 started an implementation of a project with contract identification number BG16RFOP002-2.001-105-C01, named “Advans Ltd. improves its production capacity and export potential through investment in heavy duty precision plasma cutting system.”
The project is being executed with the financial support of Operational programme “Innovation and Competitiveness” 2014-2020, co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund. The total project costs are 217 000 levs, 151 900lv. of which are a grant support. The funds will be invested in the purchase of heavy duty precision plasma cutting system that will ensure improvement of production process, increase in productivity and product quality. The successful implementation of the project will provide the necessary technical equipment to improve the production capacity and export potential of Advans Ltd., to diversify the product range and to create opportunities for higher customer satisfaction. The investment will allow the company to develop competitive advantages, to expand its position among Bulgarian partners and competitors and to enter foreign markets.